Legal notice
The owner of the website is:
Sportwagenzentrm Mainfranken GmbH
Mainfrankenpark 25/27
97337 Dettelbach
Phone +49 9302 932300
Registergericht Würzburg, HRB 13526
VAT ID: DE31 028 3048
Managing director: Falk Pewestorf
Online dispute resolution
The EU Commission has provided a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution. This gives consumers the opportunity to resolve disputes related to your online order first without going to court. The dispute resolution platform can be accessed via the external link
We will endeavor to resolve any disagreements arising from our contract amicably. Furthermore, we are not obligated to participate in any arbitration proceedings and unfortunately cannot offer you participation in such proceedings.
Photo credit
Layout Geschenkgutscheine
Designed by yeven_popov / Freepik