Customer service
How long does the delivery take?
We will pack your artwork as soon as possible and ship it from our warehouse in Würzburg. Our delivery time is usually 10-12 business days from the receipt of payment. Our goal is to ship your product no later than the day after your payment. Please note that sometimes it can take 1-2 working days longer, due to a high workload on the part of the delivering company or an exceptionally high utilization of our warehouse.
You have not received an order confirmation?
If you ordered from us but did not receive an order confirmation, it may be because the email address you provided was incorrect. Contact our customer service department at Here you can ask if we have received your order. We can correct your email address and send you your order confirmation. It is also possible that the order did not go through. Contact us before placing a new order to avoid duplicate orders.
How can we help you?
Didn’t find an answer to your question? Contact us, we will help you!